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The second volume group has to be manually created. Linux install-time partitioning tools put LVM physical volumes on partitions, not raw devices.
* Create physical volumes, i.e. mark already created hard disk partitions for use as a part of LVM. If the swap partition was not an LVM volume, then don't run pvcreate on it. The example below shows running {{pvcreate}} command on the {color:blue}/dev/hda1:{color} {code}
# pvcreate /dev/sdd
# pvcreate /dev/sde{code}
# pvcreate /dev/sde{code}
* Create a Volume Group with the same name as on the backed-up server. By default, CentOS installer names the first volume group "VolGroup00" as in the example below:
{code}#vgcreate VolGroup002 /dev/sdd /dev/sde{code}
* Create the logical volume (LVM) for swap space. This volume should have the same name as it did on the backed-up server. In this example, LogVol00. Execute the following command:
{code}# lvcreate --size 17G --name LogicalVol004 VolGroup002 Logical volume "LogicalVol004" created

h4. Step 2: Initiate a Bare-Metal Restore from "Recovery Points"
1. Open the Web browser connected to the CDP Server Web Interface and log in. (See [Accessing Enterprise Edition Web Interface].)
21. Click on "Recovery Points" in the Main Menu to open the "Recovery Points" screen.
|| Enterprise Edition || LiveCD Server, PXE Server ||
| !2_2.png! | !2.png! |
| !2_2.png! | !2.png! |
32. Select an Agent from the drop-down menu located on the "Recovery Points" list toolbar.

{info:title=Tip}Alternatively, you can click on "Agents" in the main menu, then select the "Disk Safes" tab in the bottom pane, and then click on the "Recovery Points" icon for the Disk Safe to access the Recovery Points list.
43. In the "Recovery Points" list, click on the "Bare-Metal Restore" icon in the "Actions" column for the Recovery Point from which you are going to restore.

To find a Recovery Point, you can use the Basic and Advanced List Filters. See [Customizing the Recovery Points List].
54. The "Bare-Metal Restore" window opens.
Look through the information on the Introduction screen and click "Next."

h4. Step 4: Select Host
On the next screen, select the "Restore to Alternate Host Name/IP" option. Enter the IP address and port of your Live CD or PXE Boot environment.

Selecting LVM Volume Groups is just like choosing Software RAID devices. On the "Choose LVM Volume Groups," choose the "Select LVM Vlume Groups to Restore" option.
Click the "Next" button.
Click the "Next" button.

{info:title=Tip} Click the plus sign to see the details filesystems.

12. The data Restore is initiated. Click "OK" in the notification pop-up.

13. The Restore process starts and can take awhile. You can go to the "Task History" screen to observe the task progress. See [CDP3:Accessing Task History].
The Task History page displays the State, Alert, Type, Progress Percentage, and the Started Time Stamp of the Bare-Metal Restore process.

15. When the process is complete, you can reboot the server you just restored by pressing <Ctrl><Alt><Del> or by executing the reboot command in the root shell.
Make sure you eject the Disk from the CD-ROM drive so that the server will boot from the hard Disk.
Make sure you eject the Disk from the CD-ROM drive so that the server will boot from the hard Disk.