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View Page HistoryFollow the instructions below to access Groups via the CDP Interface.
{info:title=Note}Only Super Users have a right to access Groups in the system.
Click on "Groups" in the Main Menu.
{info:title=Note}You can access the "Groups" window by manually appending the /Group/ folder to the CDP Server address in the browser address bar. Example: []. Note that the address is case sensitive.
The "Groups" window is divided into the following areas:
* *Groups* *Menu* \- Provides access to the actions which relate to customizing the "Users" list.
* *Groups* *Menu* \- Provides access to the actions which relate to customizing the "Users" list.

* *Users* \- Number of users assigned to the Group.
* *Volumes* \- Number of Volumes assigned to the Group.
* *Volumes* \- Number of Volumes assigned to the Group.
* *Agents -* \- Number of Agents assigned to the Group.
* *Actions* \- This column contains Contains icons which provide access to actions over the corresponding Group.
** *Edit* \- Allows you to access the Group properties window in order to change the properties. See [Editing Group Properties].
** *Delete* \- Removes the Group. See [Deleting Groups].
** *Delete* \- Removes the Group. See [Deleting Groups].