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The Normal User assigned to the Volume does not see the "Volumes" folder in the Main Menu. But depending on the permissions, the User/Group may access/manipulate the following objects relating to the Volume:
The Normal User assigned to the Volume does not see the "Volumes" folder in the Main Menu. But depending on the permissions, the User/Group may access/manipulate the following objects relating to the Volume:
* *Servers* *Agents* (assigned to the Volume's Disk Safe)
* *Disk Safes for Server* Agent* (the Disk Safes are assigned to the Volume)
* *Policies for Server* Agent* (the Policies are assigned to the Volume's Disk Safe)
* *Server's *Agent's Recovery Points* (the Server Agent is assigned to the Volume's Disk Safe)
* *Server's *Agent's Users and Tasks*
The following scheme visually presents relations between objects in the system:
{info:title=Tip}Make sure the assigned Users/Groups have the necessary Servers Agents assigned. Otherwise, the Users/Groups cannot access data relating to the Volume and these Servers. Agents.