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* *Allow File Excludes* \- Check this option to activate the File Excludes feature for all the Disk Safes assigned to that Volume. If you check this option, then the system will allow you to specify files/folders which will not to be backed up during the replication Policy. By default, all file/folders from the selected Devices are replicated. Read more in [CDP3:About File and Folder Excludes]and [CDP3:Excluding Files and Folders].
* *Allow Recovery Point Archiving -* Check this option to activate the Archiving feature for all the Disk Safes assigned to that Volume. If you check this option, the system will allow you to create archives of your data on a specified hour, day, week, or month. If the option is enabled, then you can specify the "Archive Point Limit" under "Data Retention." Read more in [CDP3:Archiving].
* *Allow Control Panels -* Check this option to activate the Control Panels feature for the Volume. If you check this option, the system will allow you to back up and restore Hosting Control Panel user accounts. Read more in [CDP3:CDP for Hosting Control Panels].
{info:title=Tip}There is a system-wide option to enable the Hosting Control Panels feature (Configuration !arrow.gif! Product features "Enable Hosting Control Panels" option under "Hosting Control Panels"). Read more in [CDP3:Enabling Hosting Control Panels].
* *Replication Limit* \- This option defines the lowest replication frequency for all the Disk Safes assigned to that Volume. For example, if you set the Volume's replication limit to "Weekly," then the minimal replication frequency for the Disk Safes in that Volume will be weekly (hourly and daily replications will be restricted).
* *Replication Limit* \- This option defines the lowest replication frequency for all the Disk Safes assigned to that Volume. For example, if you set the Volume's replication limit to "Weekly," then the minimal replication frequency for the Disk Safes in that Volume will be weekly (hourly and daily replications will be restricted).

*Data Retention*
Here you can set the limits for Recovery and Archive Points stored in all of the Disk Safes assigned to the Volume. When the combined number of Recovery/Archive Points in all of the Disk Safes exceeds the defined limits, the old Recovery/Archive Points will be merged. See [CDP3:Merging Recovery Points].
* *Recovery Point Limit* \- Specify the maximum number of Recovery Points that can be stored in the Disk Safes assigned to the Volume.
* *Archive Point Limit* \- Specify the maximum number of Archive Points that can be stored in the Disk Safes assigned to the Volume. The option is available if the "Allow Recovery Point Archiving" option is enabled under "Option."
* *Archive Point Limit* \- Specify the maximum number of Archive Points that can be stored in the Disk Safes assigned to the Volume. The option is available if the "Allow Recovery Point Archiving" option is enabled under "Option."

* *Quota Type* \- From the drop-down menu, select a quota type:
** *On Disk Size* \- Quota is based on the raw Disk file size of all the Disk Safes and their files in the Volume's folder.
** *On Disk Size* \- Quota is based on the raw Disk file size of all the Disk Safes and their files in the Volume's folder.
** *Size of Deltas in Disk Safe* \- The quotas will calculate the sum of the sizes (after compression) of the actual block level deltas in the Disk Safe file. Disk Safe's overhead and unused space in the Disk Safe file are not counted against the quota. You can find a description of deltas in [CDP3:Disk in [Disk Safes].
{info:title=Note}Similar to a database, the Disk Safe format adds overhead to the raw data. This can happen if you delete more deltas from the Disk Safe than you add. For example, you delete a large number of data from the data set you are protecting. That data are no longer retained in any of your Recovery Points. As old Recovery Points are merged out and block-level deltas are no longer needed, they are "freed" from the Disk Safe file. Until there is a vacuum of the Disk, the size of the Disk Safe{color:blue}.db{color} file(s) will not get smaller. You can run [Vacuuming|CDP3:Vacuuming Disk Safes] but it is time consuming, causes internal fragmentation of the {color:blue}.db{color} Disk Safe files, and can affect the files' performance.
* *Soft Quota* \- The value in bytes or in deltas. Soft Quota is a warning level where users are informed they are close to reaching their effective limit.
* *Soft Quota* \- The value in bytes or in deltas. Soft Quota is a warning level where users are informed they are close to reaching their effective limit.