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6. You can see the "Locked" state in the "State" column in the "Recovery Points" list. !114.png!
h4. Bulk Locking {anchor:bulk}
Using the "Lock Selected" button, you can lock multiple Recovery Points simultaneously. Follow the instructions below.
Using the "Lock Selected" button, you can lock multiple Recovery Points simultaneously. Follow the instructions below.
1. Select several Recovery Points by checking check-boxes in the first column in the "Recovery Points" list. !115.png!
{info:title=Tip}To find a Recovery Point, you can use the Basic Filter. See [Customizing the Recovery Points List].
2. Click on "Lock Selected" located in the "Recovery Points" list toolbar. !116.png!
3. Confirm your request to lock the Recovery Point by clicking on "Lock" in the displayed confirmation window.
4. You can see the "Locked" state in the "State" column in the "Recovery Points" list. !117.png!\\ {excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to lock Recovery Points in CDP.{excerpt}
!117.png!\\ {excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to lock Recovery Points in CDP.{excerpt}