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Pay attention that if you have configured the encryption during a [Disk Safe creation|Creating Disk Safes] you will be asked to enter the encryption passphrase while clicking on the "Browse", "Bare Metal Restore", "Browse Databases", "Exchange" icons.
Note that if you configured the encryption during [Disk Safe creation|Creating Disk Safes], you will be asked to enter the encryption passphrase when you click on the "Browse," "Bare Metal Restore," "Browse Databases," or "Exchange" icon.
!Enter Encryption Passphrase window.png!\\
To not enter the passphrase every time during clicking the mentioned above icons, click the "Remember passphrase until logout" checkbox. Then click the "OK" button.
So that you don't have to enter the passphrase every time you click on one of the above-mentioned icons, check the "Remember passphrase until logout" check-box. Then click the "OK" button.
!Enter Encryption Passphrase window_Remember passphrase option selected.png!\\

h6. Restore to Agent
* *Agent* \- Select this option to restore to an Agent that is already added to in the system. Connects to the Agent named and uses the port configured.
* *Host Name/IP* \- Connect to the specified hostname and port. This option allows you to Rrestore to a Host with a Host Name/IP address that is different than the original Host's.
* *Port Number*
h6. Restore to Folder
h6. Restore to Folder
* *Original Location* \- Restores to the same directories as when the Recovery Point was created.
* *Alternate Location* *\-* Specify a Specifies the path on the Host to Rrestore the files to. The complete path and directory structure of all selected files will be created under the path specified here. If the specified path does not exist, it will be created.
* *Overwrite Existing Files* \- When enabled, any existing files or directories with the same name will be overwritten, even if they are newer.
h6. Advanced Options
h6. Advanced Options
* *Estimate Restore Size* \- Enabled by default. When enabled, you can see the additional "Estimated Restore Size" and "Estimated Object Count" values in the "Reporting" page - "Summary" tab - "Restore Status" area.
* *Restore Discretionary ACLs (File Permissions)*
* *Restore System ACLs (Audit Rules)*
* *Restore System ACLs (Audit Rules)*
In our example, we select an existing Agent "Big HyperV" and the "Original Location" option.

11. A notification window will inform you that the Restore tTask has been scheduled. It means the Ttask has started. The "Reporting" screen displays the progress of the Ttask.
Click "OK" in the displayed window.

{info:title=Tip}The Ttask results can be sent via Eemail as a Report. See [Reporting].
12. To view the Restore Task details, access the "Reporting" window. See [Accessing Task History].
12. To view the Restore Task details, access the "Reporting" window. See [Accessing Task History].

13. After you have restored the VHD file, in order to access its contents, you need to attach and mount it using the [Hyper-V VHD Explorer|http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/CDP3/Hyper-V+VHD+Explorer]. See [Attaching VHDs|http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/CDP3/Attaching+VHDs], [Mounting VHD Volumes|http://wiki.r1soft.com/display/CDP3/Mounting+VHD+Volumes].{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to restore VHD files in CDP.{excerpt}