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View Page HistoryThe following example demonstrates how to delete a Server and its associated Policies and Disk Safes.
The following example demonstrates how to use the API to delete a server and its associated policies and disk safes.
A PHP file called {{DeleteManaged_Agent_And_Its_Association.php}} can be found here:
You can find the PHP file {{DeleteManaged_Agent_And_Its_Association.php}} at the following locations:
* for Windows: {{<installdir>\apisamples}}
* for Linux: {{<installdir>/apisamples}}
* for Linux: {{<installdir>/apisamples}}
Read more in [Access example API functions].
For more information about using the Server Backup Manager API, see [Access example API functions].
The PHP script finds and deletes objects in the system and prints the following result messages on the screen:
The PHP script finds and deletes objects in the system, and then displays the following information:
* "Successfully retrieved all the Agents" / "No Agent out with the specified ID" / "Failed to get the specified Agent"
* "Successfully retrieved all the Disk Safes" / "Failed to get all Disk Safes"
* "Successfully retrieved all the Policies" / "Failed to get all the Policies"
* "Successfully retrieved all the Policies" / "Failed to get all the Policies"

* "Failed to delete Agent" / "Agent deleted successfully"
h4. Sequence of Automated Actions automated actions
The following steps can be accomplished by using this script:
This script allows you to:
# Find an Agent with the specified ID. If such Agent does not exist, then exit or save the Server ID.
# Find all Disk Safes associated with the specified Server ID. Save the found Disk Safe IDs.
# Find all Policies associated with the found Disk Safes. Save the found Policies' IDs.
# Delete found Policies.
# Delete found Disk Safes.
# Delete found Agent.
# Find all Disk Safes associated with the specified Server ID. Save the found Disk Safe IDs.
# Find all Policies associated with the found Disk Safes. Save the found Policies' IDs.
# Delete found Policies.
# Delete found Disk Safes.
# Delete found Agent.
h4. How to Fulfill Appropriate Actions in the Server Backup User Interface
# Find a Backup Agent containing the specified ID. If such Agent does not exist, then exit or save the Server ID.
# Find all disk safes associated with the specified Server ID. Save the found Disk Safe IDs.
# Find all policies associated with the found disk safes. Save the found Policy IDs.
# Delete found policies.
# Delete found disk safes.
# Delete found Backup Agent.
# Find all disk safes associated with the specified Server ID. Save the found Disk Safe IDs.
# Find all policies associated with the found disk safes. Save the found Policy IDs.
# Delete found policies.
# Delete found disk safes.
# Delete found Backup Agent.
Below, you can find the steps to take in the program user interface in order to perform the same actions as the script, along with screen-shots illustrating every step in scripts.
h4. How to fulfill the appropriate actions in the Server Backup Manager user interface
The following steps help you to perform the same actions as the script, along with screen-shots illustrating every step in scripts.
h5. First Sstep

h5. Retrieving the Server, its Disk Safes, and its Policies
h5. Retrieving the server and associated disk safes and policies