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View Page HistoryThe following example demonstrates how to add a server, create a disk safe, Disk Safe, and a policy.
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# *Add a server*. The server is the server or PC you want to back up. Read more in [Manage servers].
# *Create a disk safe*. a* *Disk Safe*. This is the storage location of the backed-up data. Read more in [Manage Disk Safes].
# *Create a policy*. This is the task which configures the backup. Read more in [Manage policies].

For more information about adding a server using the Server Backup Manager Web interface, see [Add servers to Backup Manager].
h5. Create a disk safe Disk Safe
{code}########====Create DiskSafe Start====########

!Disk Safe Best Practices_English.png!
3. Read the available information, and then click *OK* to close the window. *{_}If you do not want to see this same message each time you create a new disk safe{_}*, new{_}* *{_}Disk Safe{_}*, check *Display this tip next time* before clicking *OK* to continue. SBM displays the Create New Disk Safe window.
4. Define the following options:

h6. Settings Tab
* *Name*. Type the name for the disk safe. Disk Safe. SBM displays this name in the *Disk Safe* list.
* *Server*. Select the name of the server on which the disk safe will Disk Safe will exist.
* *Path*. Location where the disk safe resides. Disk Safe resides.
You can also enable the following options in the corresponding check-boxes:
* *Automatically add new devices*. Indicates whether you want to automatically add all available [devices|ServerBackup:Manage devices] to the disk safe. Disk Safe.
* *Protect Storage Configuration*. Indicates whether you want to back up partition tables.
* *Backup Windows System Reserved and Unmounted Partitions*. Indicates whether you want to back up a hidden Windows system partition.
* *Backup Windows System Reserved and Unmounted Partitions*. Indicates whether you want to back up a hidden Windows system partition.

h6. Devices tab
* *Automatically add new devices*. Indicates whether you want to automatically add all available [devices|ServerBackup:Manage devices] to the disk safe. Disk Safe. Clear this checkbox to select the devices you want to add to the disk safe. Disk Safe. *{_}If you do not select this option{_}*, then SBM displays the message, "At least one device must be enabled for replication," when you attempt to save the disk safe. Disk Safe. For more information about devices, see [Access devices] and [Add devices].
* *Protect Storage Configuration*. Indicates whether you want to back up partition tables.
* *Devices on Server pane*. This pane provides you with information about devices that currently exist on the host server. Click *Get Devices From Agent* to view the list of devices on your Backup Agent server. For more information about devices, see [Access devices].
* *Devices on Server pane*. This pane provides you with information about devices that currently exist on the host server. Click *Get Devices From Agent* to view the list of devices on your Backup Agent server. For more information about devices, see [Access devices].
* *Devices In Disk Safe pane*. This pane provides you with information about devices that are currently assigned to the disk safe. Disk Safe. For more information about devices, see [Access devices].
!Create New Disk Safe_Devices_English.png!

h6. Data Settings Tab
* *Compression Type*. Select the compression level for the disk safe. Disk Safe.
* *Encryption Type*. Select the encryption type for the disk safe. Disk Safe. If you choose to encrypt a disk safe, Disk Safe, SBM prompts you to create a password. You must supply that password to browse files, browse control panel users, browse databases, and initiate a bare-metal restore. For more information about your disk safe encryption, Disk Safe encryption, see [Manage Disk Safe encryption].
!Create New Disk Safe_Data Settings_English.png!

The Limits tab allows file excludes, recovery point archiving, and control panels that you want to enable or disable. You can define a limit for your replication, recovery points, and archive points.
{info:title=Tip}When you assign a disk safe to a [volume|ServerBackup:Manage volumes], all the volume limits are applied to that disk safe. for this reason, the disk safe limits should be at least as restrictive as the volume. For example, if a volume has a recovery point limit set to 100, the disk safe can only contain 100 recovery points or less.
{info:title=Tip}When you assign a Disk Safe to a [volume|ServerBackup:Manage volumes], all the volume limits are applied to that Disk Safe. for this reason, the Disk Safe limits should be at least as restrictive as the volume. For example, if a volume has a recovery point limit set to 100, the Disk Safe can only contain 100 recovery points or less.

h6. Options
* *Allow File Excludes*. This option is selected by default. Activates the File Excludes feature for the disk safe. Disk Safe. If you check this option, then the system allows you to specify the files and folders that you do not want to back up during the replication policy. By default, SBM replicates all file and folders from the selected devices. For more information about excluding files and folders, see [About exclusions] and [Exclude files and folders].
{info:title-Tip}You cannot activate this option if it is not activated for the volume to which the disk safe belongs. Disk Safe belongs.
* *Allow Recovery Point Archiving*. This option is selected by default. Activates the Archiving feature for the disk safe. Disk Safe. If you check this option, then the system allows you to create archives of your data on a specified hour, day, week, or month. If the option is enabled, then you can specify the *Archive Point Limit* under *Data Retention*. For more information about archiving, see [Manage archiving].
{info:title-Tip}You cannot activate this option if it is not activated for the volume to which the disk safe belongs. Disk Safe belongs.
* *Allow Control Panels*. This option is selected by default. Activates the Control Panels feature for the disk safe. Disk Safe. This option allows you to back up and restore hosting control panel user accounts. for more information about control panels, see [Hosting control panels].
{info:title=Tip}You cannot activate this option if it is not activated for the volume to which the disk safe belongs. Disk Safe belongs.
{info:title=Tip}There is a system-wide option to enable the Hosting Control Panels feature (Configuration > Product features *Enable Hosting Control Panels* option under *Hosting Control Panels*). For more information about enabling the Hosting Control Panels feature, see [Enabling Hosting Control Panels Feature].
* *Allow Database Backups*. This option is selected by default. This option allows you to back up and restore all databases available on the server. If clear, the SQL Server, Exchange, and MySQL tabs are disabled while creating a policy.
{info:title=Tip}There is a system-wide option to enable the Hosting Control Panels feature (Configuration > Product features *Enable Hosting Control Panels* option under *Hosting Control Panels*). For more information about enabling the Hosting Control Panels feature, see [Enabling Hosting Control Panels Feature].
* *Allow Database Backups*. This option is selected by default. This option allows you to back up and restore all databases available on the server. If clear, the SQL Server, Exchange, and MySQL tabs are disabled while creating a policy.
* *Replication Limit*. This option defines the lowest replication frequency for that disk safe. Disk Safe. For example, if you set the replication limit to *weekly*, then the policy assigned to that disk safe can Disk Safe can only be weekly or higher (hourly and daily replications are restricted).
{info:title=Tip}The disk safe *Replication Disk Safe *Replication Limit* must be within the limits of the *Replication Limit* of the volume to which the disk safe is Disk Safe is assigned.

h6. Data Retention
* *Recovery Point Limit*. The maximum number of recovery points stored in the disk safe. Disk Safe.
{info:title=Tip}The disk safe *Recovery Disk Safe *Recovery Point Limit* must be within the limits of the *Recovery Point Limit* of the volume to which the disk safe is Disk Safe is assigned. {info}
* *Archive Point Limit*. The maximum number of archive points stored in the disk safe. Disk Safe.
{info}The disk safe *Archive Disk Safe *Archive Point Limit* must be within the limits of the *Archive Point Limit* of the volume to which the disk safe is Disk Safe is assigned.{info}
h6. Quotas
* *Quota Type*. Select the type of quota assigned to the disk safe. Disk Safe. Quotas are set to limit the disk usage of the disk safe. Disk Safe. The limit is set on the basis of space occupied by disk safes Disk Safes or the size of deltas.
* *Soft Quota*. Select the value in bytes or in deltas. *Soft Quota* is a warning level that informs users that they are close to reaching their effective limit.
* *Hard Quota*. Select the value in bytes or in deltas. *Hard Quota* allows resources to be occupied by data. If the *Hard Quota* is reached, then the system forbids generation of new recovery points. The replication is interrupted and fails.
* *Hard Quota*. Select the value in bytes or in deltas. *Hard Quota* allows resources to be occupied by data. If the *Hard Quota* is reached, then the system forbids generation of new recovery points. The replication is interrupted and fails.

6. Once SBM displays the message that you successfully created the disk safe, Disk Safe, click *OK* to close the window.
For more information about creating disk safes Disk Safes using the Server Backup Manager Web interface, see [Create Disk Safes].
h5. Create a policy

* *Name*. Type the name you want use to identify this policy among others in the Policies list.
* *Description*. Type the details of your policy.
* *Description*. Type the details of your policy.
* {color:#35383d}{*}Server{*}{color}{color:#35383d}. Select a server whose data you are going to replicate. You then can select a disk safe assigned a{color} {color:#35383d}Disk Safe{color}{color:#35383d} assigned to the server.{color}
* *Disk Safe*. Select a disk safe in Disk Safe in which to save the replicated data.
!Create New Policy_Policy Settings tab_filled in_English.png!