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1. In the Main menu, click *Users*.
2. In the "Users" list, find the appropriate User, and click on the "Enable" icon in the "Actions" column for this User.
2. In the Users list, find the appropriate user, and then click the Enable icon in the Actions column for this user.
{info:title=Note} To find a Uuser, you can use the Basic or Advanced List Filter. See [ServerBackup:Customize the Users list].
{info:title=Note} Power-Users can only view their Sub-Users. Super Users can see all Uusers in the system.
3. Click "OK" *OK* in the confirmation dialog window.
{info:title=Note} After clicking on "OK" you will be returned to the Users list.
{info:title=Note} After clicking *OK*, SBM returns you to the Users list.

Follow the instructions below to disable Users in the Backup Manager.
1. Click on "Users" in the Main Menu.
1. In the Main menu, click *Users*.
2. In the "Users" list, find the appropriate User, and click on the "Disable" icon in the "Actions" column for this User.
2. In the Users list, find the appropriate user, and click the Disable icon in the Actions column for this user.
{info:title=Note} To find a Uuser, you can use the Basic and Advanced List Filters. See [ServerBackup:Customize the Users list].
{info:title=Note} Power-Users can only view their Sub-Users. Super Users can see all Users in the system.
{info:title=Note} Power-Users can only view their Sub-Users. Super Users can see all Users in the system.
3. If a Power User you want to disable has associated Ppolicies and/or Sub-Users, then the following confirmation window will appear. You have the options to:
* *Disable Policies* \- Policies*. You can disable any Policies associated with Servers owned by the Power User.
* *Disable Sub-Users -* Sub-Users*. You may choose to disable any Sub-Users administered by the disabled Power User.
{info:Note}The disabling of Sub-Users and Ppolicies is a one time event; however, an administrator may re-enable any disabled Sub-Users or Ppolicies.{info}
Once the required checkboxes are selected/deselected, click "OK." *OK*.
4. Click "OK" *OK* in the confirmation dialog window.
{info:title=Note} After clicking on "OK," you will be returned to the Users list.
{info:title=Note} After clicking *OK*, SBM returns you to the Users list.
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to enable/disable Users in Server Backup.{excerpt}
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to enable/disable users in Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}