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2. The "Basic List Filter" window will open.
|| Free, Advanced Edition || Enterprise Edition ||
| !Policy_Advanced_Basic List Filter_English.png!\\
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| !Policy_Advanced_Basic List Filter_English.png!\\
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!Policy_Basic List Filter_English.png!
3. Define one or several filter options:
* *State* \- Select this check-box to define filters on the basis of the Policy state. The following options are available if the "State" is checked:
* *State* \- Select this check-box to define filters on the basis of the Policy state. The following options are available if the "State" is checked:

4. Click on "Filter" to apply the filter to the "Policies" List.
|| Free, Advanced Edition || Enterprise Edtion ||
| !Policy_Advanced_Basic List Filter_Name selected_English.png!\\
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| !Policy_Advanced_Basic List Filter_Name selected_English.png!\\
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!Policy_Basic List Filter_Name selected_English.png!
h4. Advanced List Filter {anchor:advanced}

2. The "Advanced List Filter" window will open.
|| Free, Advanced Edition || Enterprise Edition ||
| !Policy_Advanced_Advanced List Filter_English.png!\\
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| !Policy_Advanced_Advanced List Filter_English.png!\\
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!Policy_Advanced List Filter_English.png!
There are several blocks with filter options.
{info:title=Tip}You can hide/open the filter options for every block by clicking on the header of the corresponding block.
{info:title=Tip}You can hide/open the filter options for every block by clicking on the header of the corresponding block.

4. Click on "Filter" to apply the filter to the "Policies" List.
|| Free, Advanced Edition || Enterprise Edition ||
| !Policy_Advanced_Advanced List Filter_Name selected_English.png!\\
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| !Policy_Advanced_Advanced List Filter_Name selected_English.png!\\
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!Policy_Advanced List Filter_Name selected_English.png!
{info:title=Tip}Click the "Show all" link to see the whole Policies List. !1.png!