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View Page HistoryThe disabled Policy will not execute at the scheduled time. However, the Policy remains in the list and can be enabled again for execution.
{info:title=Tip}You can disable the Policy in the "Edit Policy" window. See [Editing Policies]. [ServerBackup:Edit policies].
Follow the instructions below to disable one or several Policies in the "Policies" list.
Follow the instructions below to disable one or several Policies in the "Policies" list.

!Policies list_Disable icon_2_English.png!
{info:title=Tip}To find a Policy, you can use the Basic and Advanced List Filters. See [Customizing [ServerBackup:Customize the Policies Llist].

!Policies list_Bulk selection_2_English.png!
{info:title=Note}You can also disable a Policy by unchecking the appropriate option in the "Edit Policy" window. See [Editing Policies]. [ServerBackup:Edit policies].

You can also disable Policies using the "Policies" tab of the Server "Details" Pane. This screen provides the same functionality as the main "Policies" screen. See more information in [Access servers].
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to disable Data Protection Policies in Server Backup.{excerpt}
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to disable data protection policies in Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}