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The Recovery Point Retention rule defines how many Recovery Points to keep in the Disk Safe. When the number of Recovery Points exceed the defined limit, the old Recovery Points will be merged.
{info:title=Note}Merge is a separate task in [Task History]. [ServerBackup:Manage task history].
Follow the instructions below to schedule the Recovery Points merge.
Follow the instructions below to schedule the Recovery Points merge.

6. Click "OK."
A Merge Recovery Points task is always shown separately from the policy in [Task History], [ServerBackup:Manage task history], even if the "Merge After Every Replication" trigger is selected. This way you can have a better perception of tasks since merging can run for long periods of time.
!Merge Recovery Point_Success_English.png!

The Recovery Point Retention rule defines how many Recovery Points to keep in the Disk Safe. When the number of Recovery Points exceed the defined limit, the old Recovery Points will be merged.
{info:title=Note}Merge is a separate task in [Task History]. [ServerBackup:Manage task history].
Follow the instructions below to schedule the Recovery Points merge.
Follow the instructions below to schedule the Recovery Points merge.

6. Click "OK."
A Merge Recovery Points task is always shown separately from the policy in [Task History], [ServerBackup:Manage task history], even if the "Merge After Every Replication" trigger is selected. This way you can have a better perception of tasks since merging can run for long periods of time.
!Merge Recovery Point_Success_English.png!