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{note:title=Note for Windows Dynamic Disks and Software RAID}
# If you are using Windows Software RAID, first restore your System Disk (e.g., {{C:}}) while booted from Live CD.
# If you are using Windows Software RAID, first restore your System Disk (e.g., {{C:}}) while booted from Live CD.
{note:title=Note for Windows dynamic disks and software RAID}
If you are using Windows software RAID:# Restore your system disk (e.g., {{C:}}) while booted from Live CD.
If you are using Windows software RAID:# Restore your system disk (e.g., {{C:}}) while booted from Live CD.
# Reboot into Windows.
# Ensure the Backup Agent is running.
# Ensure the Backup Agent is running.
# Use Windows Disk Manager to re-create your Dynamic Disk configuration (e.g.. spanned volumes or Software RAID).
# Use Windows Disk Manager to re-create your dynamic disk configuration (e.g. spanned volumes or software RAID).
# Use Server Backup Manager's Bare-Metal Restore Wwizard to restore the remaining dynamic disks, mapping filesystems to the dynamic disks you created using Windows Disk Manager.

h3. 1. Loading the Backup Agent in Recovery Mode and Installing the Manager Key
h3. 1. Load the Backup Agent in recovery mode and install the manager key
Follow the instructions below to load the Backup Agent in Recovery mode and to install the Manager Key.

1. Click on "Recovery Points" in the Main Menu to open the "Recovery Points" screen.
!Performing Bare-Metal Restore with LVM^Main menu_Advanced_Recovery Points_English.png!
2. Select a Server from the drop-down menu located on the "Recovery Points" list toolbar.

6. Look through the information on the Introduction screen and click "Next."
7. The "Choose Filesystems" step will appear.

Click "Next" to proceed to the following step.
8. On the next screen, select the "*Restore to Original Host*" option.

Click "Next" to proceed to the following step.
9. On the "Restore Storage Configuration" screen, choose the "*Select Storage Configuration to Restore*" option.

Click "Next" to proceed to the following step.

Click "Next" to proceed to the following step.
After the "Select Partition Tables to Restore" option is selected, three (3) additional steps arise:

Click "Next" to proceed to the following step.
h6. 9.1.2 Mapping Partition Tables

After selecting the Disks, click on "Next" to proceed to the next page.
h6. 9.1.3 Restoring Partition Tables

Click "Next" to proceed to the following step.

Click "Next" to proceed to the following step.
11. On the "Summary" page, you will need to confirm the selected Bare-Metal Restore options. Each selected filesystem is listed, along with the name of the target device it is being mapped to.