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Follow the instructions below to change Report properties in your Server Backup.
1. Click on "Reporting" in the Main Menu to access the "Reporting" page.
*To change report properties:*
2. The "Reporting" page will list all existing Reports.
To change the existing Report properties, click on the "Edit" icon under "Actions" for the corresponding Report in the list.
# In the Main menu, click *Reporting*. Server Backup Manager displays the Reporting window.
# In the Reports list, click the Edit icon under Actions for the corresponding report in the list, as shown in the following image.
# In the Reports list, click the Edit icon under Actions for the corresponding report in the list, as shown in the following image.
!Reports list_Edit icon_English.png!
3. The "Edit Report" window will open.
SBM displays the Edit Report window, as shown in the following image.
# After you make the appropriate changes, click *Save*.SBM saves the changes to the report properties.
4. Once the changes are complete, click "Save" to save the changes.
!editrepor1t.png!{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to change Email Report properties in Server Backup.{excerpt}
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to change email report properties in Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}