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View Page HistoryFollow the instructions below to access control panel user data previously replicated by a policy. You can use this data for [restore|Sending Control Panel Account Backup [restore|Send control panel account backup to Control Panel Home] or [download the data as an archive|Download control panel user data as an archive].
*To access control panel account backups:*

* *Download Selected* \- Allows you to generate a .zip or .tar archive containing a user's data on the local machine. See [Downloading Control Panel Users' Data as an Archive|Download control panel user data as an archive].
* *Send to Agent* \- Allows you to restore .zip or .tar files of user data to the Agent Server. See [Sending Control Panel Account Backup [Send control panel account backup to Control Panel Home].
* *Select a Control Panel Instance* \- Used to specify a Control Panel Instance to display the user accounts for. By default, no instance is selected in the drop-down menu.
* *State* \- Used to filter the displayed records by Control Panel Instance state. By default, both options are checked, and all records are displayed:
* *State* \- Used to filter the displayed records by Control Panel Instance state. By default, both options are checked, and all records are displayed: