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1. Select the _Control Panels_ tab in the _[Edit Policy|ServerBackupManager:Edit policies]_ or _[Create New Policy|ServerBackupManager:Create policies]_ window. !Create New Policy - Control Panels.png|border=1!
!Create New Policy - Control Panels.png|border=1!
2. Click the *Add Control Panel Instance* button.
The _Add Control Panel Instance_ window displays. !Add Control Panel Instance 1.png!
!Add Control Panel Instance 1.png!
3. In the _Introduction_ section, review the introductory information and click *Next* to proceed with adding the Instance.
4. In the _Instance Details_ section, choose *Linux Home Directories* in the *Type* drop-down field. !Add Control Panel Instance 2.png!
The _Linux Home Directories{_}* *option allows you to replicate and restore the regular Linux accounts located in the *_/home{_}* directory.
!Add Control Panel Instance 2.png!
The _Linux Home Directories{_}* *option allows you to replicate and restore the regular Linux accounts located in the **{*}_/home{_}* directory.
The _Linux Home Directories{_}* *option allows you to replicate and restore the regular Linux accounts located in the **{*}_/home{_}* directory.
Click *Next* to continue.

6. After the verification, click the *Save* button to add your Linux Home Directory Instance to the policy.
7. The added Control Panel Instance will appear on the _Control Panels_ tab of the _Edit Policy_/_Create New Policy_ window. Instance options are displayed in the appropriate columns. !Edit Policy - Linux Home Directories.png|border=1!
!Edit Policy - Linux Home Directories.png|border=1!
8. Click the *Save* button to save your changes.
9. Once you have added the Linux Home Directory Instance to the policy, you can login to Backup Manager for Control Panel Users directly from the _Policies_ screen. Access the _Details_ pane for the policy, click the _Control Panels_ tab, and click the link in the _Login_ column. !Policies - Control Panel login link.png|border=1!
!Policies - Control Panel login link.png|border=1!
Using the link, users can access their backups and restore data as a .zip or .tar file. To log in, they must use their Control Panel credentials.