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1. In the Main Menu, click *Settings* and then *Policies* to access the _Policies_ page.
2. Find the necessary policy in the _Policies_ list, click the corresponding _Actions_ icon, and select *Edit Policy*. !Policies - Edit Policy.png!
!Policies - Edit Policy.png!
To find a Policy, you can use the Search function and Advanced List Filters. See [ServerBackup:Customize the Policies list].
To find a Policy, you can use the Search function and Advanced List Filters. See [ServerBackup:Customize the Policies list].
3. When the _Edit Policy_ window displays, select the _MySQL_ tab. For the MySQL instance you want to test, click the corresponding _Actions_ icon and select *Test Connection*. !Edit Policy - MySQL Test.png|border=1!
!Edit Policy - MySQL Test.png|border=1!
Make sure that the correct database username and password are provided in the _Username_ and _Password_ column.
Make sure that the correct database username and password are provided in the _Username_ and _Password_ column.
4. The _Test Database Connection_ window displays. Click the *Test Connection* button to continue. !Test Database Connection.png!
!Test Database Connection.png!
{info:Note}You can also test connection in the _Add New MySQL Instance_ wizard. See [ServerBackupManager:Add a MySQL instance to a policy].{info}
5. The results of the test will be displayed in a pop-up window. Click *OK* to continue. !Test Database Connection - Success.png!
!Test Database Connection - Success.png!
If the connectivity test fails, a failure message displays and gives a list of errors. Eliminate errors and repeat the test.{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to test the connection to the MySQL instance.{excerpt}