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The *Search* field allows you to search for a specific report. Enter your search criteria in the *Search* field and press Enter or the *Search* button.
The *Advanced Filter* allows you to reduce the number of the reports in the list on the basis of all possible filter options. To use the advanced filter, click the *Advanced Filter* link next to the Search bar on the _Reports_ page. The _Advanced List Filter_ window displays. !Reports - Advanced List Filter.png|border=1!
!Reports - Advanced List Filter.png|border=1!
Set any of the following advanced filter options to search for the desired reports:

{info:title=Tip}Once an advanced filter has been applied, click the *Clear Filter* button to see the entire list of reports.
{info}{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to sort rows, manage items per page, and filter the Reports list in Server Backup.{excerpt}