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2. Find the necessary Policy in the "Policies" list, and click on the "Edit" icon in the "Actions" column for this Policy.
!Policies list_Edit icon_2_English.png!
!Policies list_Edit icon_2_English.png!
2. Find the necessary Policy in the "Policies" list, and click on the icon in the "Actions" column for this Policy. Select *Edit Policy* from the drop-down menu. !Policy_edit_marked.png|border=1!
To find a Policy, you can use the Basic and Advanced List Filters. See [ServerBackup:Customize the Policies list].
To find a Policy, you can use the Basic and Advanced List Filters. See [ServerBackup:Customize the Policies list].
3. The "Edit Policy" window will open.
3. The "Edit Policy" window will open. Choose the "Control Panels" tab.
!Edit Policy window_2_2_English.png!
!Edit Policy.PNG|border=1!
4. Choose the "Control Panels" tab.
4. Access the "Control Panel Instance" list on the "Control Panels" tab.
Find the necessary Instance in the "Control Panel Instance" list, and click on the icon in the "Actions" column for this Instance.Select *Edit* from the drop-down menu.
Find the necessary Instance in the "Control Panel Instance" list, and click on the icon in the "Actions" column for this Instance.Select *Edit* from the drop-down menu.
!Edit Policy_Control Panels tab.png!
!Control Panel Instance Edit.png|border=1!
5. Access the "Control Panel Instance" list on the "Control Panels" tab.
5. The "Edit Control Panel Instance" window will appear. Familiarize yourself with the introductory information, and click "Next" to proceed with adding the Instance.
!Control Panels list.png!
!Edit Control Panel Instance wizard.png|border=1!
6. Find the necessary Instance in the "Control Panel Instance" list, and click on the "Edit" icon in the "Actions" column for this Instance.
!Edit Policy_Edit selected.png!
7. The "Edit Control Panel Instance" window will appear. Familiarize yourself with the introductory information, and click "Next" to proceed with adding the Instance.
!Edit Control Panel Instance_Introduction_English.png!
!Edit Policy_Edit selected.png!
7. The "Edit Control Panel Instance" window will appear. Familiarize yourself with the introductory information, and click "Next" to proceed with adding the Instance.
!Edit Control Panel Instance_Introduction_English.png!
8. On 6. On the following "Instance Details" screen, you can change the options for your Control Panel Instance:
* *Enabled* \- Use this check-box to enable or disable the Control Panel Instance. If an Instance is disabled, it will not be discovered during replication, and Control Panel users will not be able to access their data from any recovery points created while the Instance is disabled.
* *Name* \- Define a new name for the Control Panel Instance to identify it. A Control Panel Instance's name must be unique to its policy, meaning that no more than one Instance associated with a policy can have a certain name.
* *Name* \- Define a new name for the Control Panel Instance to identify it. A Control Panel Instance's name must be unique to its policy, meaning that no more than one Instance associated with a policy can have a certain name.

** *Custom*
!Edit Control Panel Instance_Instance Details_drop-down menu_English.png!
Click "Next."
!Edit Control Panel Instance_Next button_English.png!
9. If your Control Panel is installed inside a Parallels Virtuozzo Containers container, you need to specify the Virtuozzo Container ID. This advanced option is required for cPanel, Plesk, Parallels Pro, Interworx, DirectAdmin types, but is not available for the Virtuozzo Control Panel type.
7. On the following "Advanced Options" screen, in the drop-down menu, you can choose from three options for the "Verification log level" feature:
9. On the following "Advanced Options" screen, in the drop-down menu, you can choose from three options for the "Verification log level" feature:
* *Alert*
* *Warning*
* *Warning*

!Edit Control Panel Instance_Advanced Options_drop-down menu_English.png!

If your Control Panel is installed inside a Parallels Virtuozzo Containers container, you need to specify the Virtuozzo Container ID. This advanced option is required for cPanel, Plesk, Parallels Pro, Interworx, DirectAdmin types, but is not available for the Virtuozzo Control Panel type.
!Edit Control Panel Instance_Advanced Options_Virtuozzo container specified_English.png!
Click "Next".
Click "Next".
!Edit Control Panel Instance_Next button_English.png!
10. On the last "Summary" screen, the settings you have selected are listed. If you see any mistakes on this screen, click the "Back" button and correct them.
!Add Control Panel Instance window_Summary_English.png!
11. You can verify the Instance before saving by clicking the "Verify Instance" button.
!Edit Control Panel Instance_Verify Instance button_English.png!
If verification is successful, click "OK" in the displayed dialog window.
{info:title=Troubleshooting}If the verification fails, the "Error Messages" window will appear. This means that Server Backup cannot find the Control Panel type you have specified. Make sure that you have selected the correct Control Panel type.
Click "OK" and try to eliminate the error. Then verify the Instance again.
12. Once you have verified that the specified settings are correct, click "Save".
12. Once you have verified that the specified settings are correct, click "Save".
!Edit Control Panel Instance_Save button_English.png!
13. Once the wizard screen has been closed, the updated Control Panel Instance appears on the "Control Panels" tab of the "Edit Policy" window. New Instance options are displayed in under the appropriate columns. Actions icon.
!Edit Policy_Modified Instance_English.png!
!Control Panel Instance Edit.png|border=1!
14. Click on the "Save" button in the Policy window to save the changes.
!savelast.png!\\ !EditPolicySaveButton.png|border=1!\\ {excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to edit a Control Panel Instance in Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}