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View Page HistoryYou may need to fix heap space memory if Server Backup Manager is running into *Java Heap: Out of Memory* errors. One case where this may happen is if both versions (2.x and 3.x+) of Backup Manager are running on the same machine.
h3. Linux installations
h3. Linux installations
The {{\--set-max-mem}} setup command allows you to set the max heap your server uses. In the following example the max memory heap size is set to 1 gigabyte.


Alternatively, you can configure the heap memory manually in the {{server.conf}} file.

!server_conf file_2 options outlined_English.png!
3. Save the {{server.conf}} file.

4. Restart the Server Backup Manager Server Service.
h3. Windows Installations
Follow the instructions below to configure the heap memory using the Backup Manager Configuration Utility.
1. Run the Backup Manager Configuration Utility by going to Start > All Programs > Idera Server Backup > Backup Manager Configuration Utility on the computer where the Backup Manager is installed.
2. Select the "Set Heap Size" tab in the Windows Backup Manager Configuration Utility main window.
|| Free Edition | !Backup Manager Configuration Utility_Advanced_Set Heap Size tab_shortened_English.png!\\
\\ ||
|| Enterprise Edition | !Configuration Utility window_Enterprise_Set Heap Size tab_shortened_English.png!\\
\\ ||
3. In the "Set Heap Size" tab, move the slider to adjust the heap size of the server. The currently selected value is displayed in the editable box. The percentage of the memory is calculated automatically.
!Configuration Utility window_Enterprise_Set Heap Size tab_slider selected_English.png!
If necessary, click "Default" to return to the default value.
!Configuration Utility window_Enterprise_Set Heap Size tab_Default button_English.png!
4. Click "Apply" to save the selected value.
!Configuration Utility window_Enterprise_Set Heap Size tab_Apply button_English.png!
Alternatively, you can configure the heap memory manually in the {{server.conf}} file.
1. Access the {{server.conf}} file. By default, in Enterprise Edition the file is located in:
{code}C:\Program Files\Idera Server Backup\conf\server.conf{code}
Note that users who upgrade to Server Backup 5.0.2 or later from a previous version, the {{server.conf}} file path is:
{code}C:\Program Files\R1Soft CDP Server Enterprise\conf\server.conf{code}
2. Edit {{server.conf}} as follows:
* Change {{compute.maxmemory}}:
* Uncomment {{maxmemory}} and set to new value in MB. For example:
!server_conf file_2 options outlined_English.png!
3. Save the {{server.conf}} file.
4. Restart the Server Backup Manager Server Service.
h3. Defaults
*Free & Advanced Editions:*
Physical RAM < 1 GB fail to install
Physical RAM < 4 GB - Max Heap is 256 MB
Physical RAM >= 4 GB - Max Heap is 512 MB
*Server Backup Manager Editions:*
Physical RAM < 2 GB fail to install
Physical RAM < 4 GB - Max Heap is 1 GB
Physical RAM >= 4 GB AND 64-Bit Install - Max Heap is 2 GB
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to set up heap space memory in the Linux and Windows Backup Manager. Default heap memory values. {excerpt}
Follow the instructions below to configure the heap memory using the Backup Manager Configuration Utility.
1. Run the Backup Manager Configuration Utility by going to Start > All Programs > Idera Server Backup > Backup Manager Configuration Utility on the computer where the Backup Manager is installed.
2. Select the "Set Heap Size" tab in the Windows Backup Manager Configuration Utility main window.
|| Free Edition | !Backup Manager Configuration Utility_Advanced_Set Heap Size tab_shortened_English.png!\\
\\ ||
|| Enterprise Edition | !Configuration Utility window_Enterprise_Set Heap Size tab_shortened_English.png!\\
\\ ||
3. In the "Set Heap Size" tab, move the slider to adjust the heap size of the server. The currently selected value is displayed in the editable box. The percentage of the memory is calculated automatically.
!Configuration Utility window_Enterprise_Set Heap Size tab_slider selected_English.png!
If necessary, click "Default" to return to the default value.
!Configuration Utility window_Enterprise_Set Heap Size tab_Default button_English.png!
4. Click "Apply" to save the selected value.
!Configuration Utility window_Enterprise_Set Heap Size tab_Apply button_English.png!
Alternatively, you can configure the heap memory manually in the {{server.conf}} file.
1. Access the {{server.conf}} file. By default, in Enterprise Edition the file is located in:
{code}C:\Program Files\Idera Server Backup\conf\server.conf{code}
Note that users who upgrade to Server Backup 5.0.2 or later from a previous version, the {{server.conf}} file path is:
{code}C:\Program Files\R1Soft CDP Server Enterprise\conf\server.conf{code}
2. Edit {{server.conf}} as follows:
* Change {{compute.maxmemory}}:
* Uncomment {{maxmemory}} and set to new value in MB. For example:
!server_conf file_2 options outlined_English.png!
3. Save the {{server.conf}} file.
4. Restart the Server Backup Manager Server Service.
h3. Defaults
*Free & Advanced Editions:*
Physical RAM < 1 GB fail to install
Physical RAM < 4 GB - Max Heap is 256 MB
Physical RAM >= 4 GB - Max Heap is 512 MB
*Server Backup Manager Editions:*
Physical RAM < 2 GB fail to install
Physical RAM < 4 GB - Max Heap is 1 GB
Physical RAM >= 4 GB AND 64-Bit Install - Max Heap is 2 GB
{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to set up heap space memory in the Linux and Windows Backup Manager. Default heap memory values. {excerpt}