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Follow the instructions below to configure LDAP authentication for the Backup Manager.
1. In the Main menu, click *Advanced Options* and select *LDAP Authentication*. The _LDAP Authentication_ screen displays. !LDAP Authentication screen.png|border=1!
!LDAP Authentication screen.png|border=1!
2. Select the *Enable LDAP Authentication* check box to use LDAP authentication.

6. In the *Authentication Type* field, select one of the following types of authentication used to authenticate LDAP users:
* *Simple*. Transmits the password in plaintext.
* *Simple*. Transmits the password in plaintext.
* *Digest-MD5*. Transmits a hashed version of the password.

8. In the *Bind Attribute* field, enter the bind attribute used to authenticate LDAP users.
This field is optional for Active Directory servers using @domain.tld for using @domain.tld for the base DN. DN.
For OpenLDAP servers, this attribute is typically {{uid}}.

9. Click the *Test Settings* button to verify your server settings against an existing user account.
The _Test LDAP Server Settings_ window displays. !Test LDAP Server Settings window.png|border=1!
!Test LDAP Server Settings window.png|border=1!
10. Enter a username and password in this window and click the *Test* button.