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/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/uninstall_plugin r1soft-cpanel-plugin-2.0 --theme paper_lantern
h3. UnInstall cPanel Plugin from a cPanel using Jupiter Theme
To uninstall the cPanel plugin from the Jupiter theme, execute the below command
{code}/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/uninstall_plugin <plugin_file> --theme jupiter
For example, to uninstall the version 4.0 plugin, replace the "<plugin name>" with r1soft-cpanel-plugin-4.0:
{code}/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/uninstall_plugin r1soft-cpanel-plugin-4.0 --theme jupiter
To uninstall the cPanel plugin from the Jupiter theme, execute the below command
{code}/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/uninstall_plugin <plugin_file> --theme jupiter
For example, to uninstall the version 4.0 plugin, replace the "<plugin name>" with r1soft-cpanel-plugin-4.0:
{code}/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/uninstall_plugin r1soft-cpanel-plugin-4.0 --theme jupiter