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h3. Standard Edition Features\*

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* *The New R1Soft Disk Safe is fast and flexible*
* *The New R1Soft Disk Safe is fast and flexible*
_Copy Disk Safes between CDP installations. Move them around. Take them with you. Disk Safes can now be moved and copied just like regular files and they always contain everything you need to restore._
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* *Delete Recovery Points lightning fast*
_The New Disk Safe is designed around fast archiving and deleting of recovery points. Disk Safe files shrink in size automatically as you delete recovery points. (Say goodbye to the CDP 2.0 Defragment task)_
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_The New Disk Safe is designed around fast archiving and deleting of recovery points. Disk Safe files shrink in size automatically as you delete recovery points. (Say goodbye to the CDP 2.0 Defragment task)_
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* *Full support for restoring file paths with international characters in all languages*
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* *All New User Interface*
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* *All New User Interface*
_Task Alerts, Dashboard, Recovery Point Searching, New Synchronization Statistics, All New File Browser, All new Data Protection Policy_
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* *New* *{_}Best Try{_}* *Recovery Point Retention Rule*
_Keep as many recovery points as possible within a defined disk space limit_
* *New* *{_}Best Try{_}* *Recovery Point Retention Rule*
_Keep as many recovery points as possible within a defined disk space limit_
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* *New Hard and soft Free Disk Space Quotas*
* *New Hard and soft Free Disk Space Quotas*