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The type of backup that CDP 3 performs on a server is called by industry analysts "Asynchronous Replication". We call it CDP for short. It is not full or incremental backup. It is replication. So to make this clear we have some changes in vocabulary in CDP 3.
* *Disk Safe*
_All data needed to perform any kind of restore for an agent_
_All data needed to perform any kind of restore for an agent_

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* *Archiving*
* *Archiving*
_Only used to refer the advanced recovery point archiving rules available in CDP 3.0 Single Server Pro and CDP 3.0 Enterprise Server_. _Advanced archiving rules achieve the most recently available recovery point as configured on a daily/weekly/monthly basis for long term storage._
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* *Recovery Point*
* *Recovery Point*

*{+}Comparison of Terminology used from CDP 2 to CDP 3{+}*
|| CDP 2 \\ || CDP 3 \\ ||
|| CDP 2 \\ || CDP 3 \\ ||
| Backup Task \\ | Data Protection Policy (Policy) \\ |
| Backup | Replication (Replica, Replicate, Synchronize, Sync) \\ |
| Seed | Initial Replica \\ |
| Delete Recovery Point / Delete Backup \\ | Merge Recovery Point (Merge) \\ |
| Archiving \\ | Exporting \\ |
*{+}These terms are No longer used in CDP 3{+}*
* Incremental Backup
* Incremental Backup

* Seed
* Backup Task
* Backup Task
* Backup (rarely it may be appropriate we almost always use replicate or replication instead)