Version 1 by Sagar
on Jan 23, 2023 09:51.

compared with
Version 2 by Sagar
on Jan 24, 2023 08:28.

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This line was added.

Changes (2)

View Page History

* Support for {color:#172b4d}MySQL 8.0.30 and higher versions is added with this SBM release.{color}
* {color:#172b4d}Support for installation of R1Soft cPanel plugin on Jupiter theme{color}
* {color:#172b4d}Support for installation of R1Soft cPanel plugin on Jupiter theme. For more information on how to cPanel Plugin with Jupiter Theme, click{color} {color:#172b4d}[here|]{color}{color:#172b4d}.{color}
* A new server backup agent version is released to include support for Debian 11/5.10 kernels. All systems running 5.10 kernels should be updated to the latest agent version {color:#252423}6.16.5 Build 150{color}
* Bugfix: With the new server backup agent, we have addressed a few critical issues related to kernel v4.18 which caused {color:#172b4d}server hangs or crashes during backups & restore{color}