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Checksums can be used to compute Deltas. The main advantage of the checksum method is that granularity beyond complete files is provided. Checksum methods all have some concept of a block where a block is either defined as fixed length or variable length. In the fixed length example a file is broken into fixed length byte ranges or blocks for example 4 KB. A unique signature called check sum is then computed based on the 4 KB. The most popular checksums for this purpose are [MD4|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD4] and [MD5|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5]. For more information on checksums see: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic_hash_function]
The most popular algorithm for computing deltas in backup applications is the [rsync|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rsync#Algorithm] algorithm. _Many_ commerical backup applications use the rsync algorithm to compute deltas for backup purposes. One of the best known is [Evault|http://www.evault.com/]. Evault actually has a [patent on the process|http://www.google.com/patents?id=4Gl7AAAAEBAJ] of using variable length block deltas for incremental backup purposes. Some backup application vendors like [Vembu |http://www.vembu.com]actually [brag about being based on rsync algorithm|http://www.vembu.com/storegrid/rsync-incremental-backup.html].