Label: partition_3

Content with label partition_3 in Knowledge Base (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels: bmr_3, backup_3, fdisk_3, disk_safe_3, citrix_3, xen_3, pv_3, file_system_3, hvm_3, bare-metal_restore_3, ext3_3

Page: Backing Up Disks Without Partitioning
Question We attached a second disk to our server. The ext3 file system was created on this disk without partitioning. Can the CDP Server back it up? Solution Not for CDP Version 2.x. It requires a disk to have a partition table in order to protect ...
Other labels: backup_3, ext3_3
Page: BMR of a Citrix Xen 6.0 paravirtualized VM
BMR of a Citrix Xen 6.0 paravirtualized VM Issue A baremetalrestore from a recovery point of a Citrix Xen paravirtualized VM is successful, but the restored machine does not boot properly or does not run in a paravirtualized mode. Output from a HVM machine Output ...
Other labels: bare-metal_restore_3, disk_safe_3, file_system_3, bmr_3, citrix_3, xen_3, pv_3, hvm_3
Page: Creating a Unique Partition ID with fdisk
Message received: Can not back up /dev/sdb partition since /dev/sda partition has the same identifier. fdisk does not correctly write the partition ID when partitioning a disk. CDP requires all partitions to have a unique ...
Other labels: fdisk_3
Page: Restoring Files to a Smaller Drive
Problem I try to perform a BareMetal Restore to a new drive and I receive an error message similar to: Selected target device is not large enough to contain the source device 250000MB > 249000MB How do I restore my files ...
Other labels: bare-metal_restore_3