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You can access the "Reporting" window Reporting window by manually appending the {{/Reporting/}} folder to the Backup Manager address in the browser address bar. Example: []. For example, enter []. Note that the address is case sensitive.

h5. Columns:
- *Check box* \- Allows you to select the item(s) items in the list.
- *Enabled* \- Graphically indicates the Report status ("Enabled" (Enabled or "Disabled"). Disabled). If the icon is green, then the Report is enabled. The red icon is used for disabled Reports.
- *Name* \- Displays the unique name of the Report.
- *Owner* \- Shows the Report owner.
- *Owner* \- Shows the Report owner.

h5. List Buttons
The buttons allow work with one or several items selected in the "Reports" _Reports_ list.
- *Disable Selected* \- Once one or several Reports are checked in the list, this button allows you to disable the selected Reports. See [Disable reports].
- *Disable Selected* \- This button allows you to disable the selected Reports in the list. See [Disable reports].
- *Enable Selected* \- Once one or several Reports are checked in the list, this This button allows you to enable the selected Reports.
- *Delete Selected* \- Once one or several Reports are checked in the list, this button allows you to remove the selected Reports. See [Delete reports].
- *Delete Selected* \- This button allows you to remove the selected Reports from the list. See [Delete reports].
h5. Pages Navigation
The Pages Navigation pane allows you to divide the "Reports" screen into pages by specifying the desired number of items per page. The Pages Navigation pane provides buttons to navigate from one page to another.
* *Arrows* *\-* Turns over pages.
** *First* \- Opens the fist page.
* *Arrows* *\-* Turns over pages.
** *First* \- Opens the fist page.
The Page Navigation pane allows you to divide the _Reports_ screen into pages by specifying the desired number of items per page. Various buttons and fields can be used to navigate from one page to another.
* *Arrows* *\-* Click one of the following buttons to move forward and backward through the pages.
** *First* \- Go to the first page.
* *Arrows* *\-* Click one of the following buttons to move forward and backward through the pages.
** *First* \- Go to the first page.
** *Previous* \- Opens Go to the previous page.
** *Next* \- Opens Go to the next page.
** *Last* \- Opens Go to the last page.
* *Page Number* \- You can type in the page number and press <Enter> to go to a page. The total number of existing pages is shown on the pane.
* *Items Per Page* \- Used to define how many items to display per page in the "Reports" list. The system remembers your settings. Unless you change this setting, you see 10 items per page. If you want to see more/less items per page, you can change the number and press <Enter>. The maximum number of items per page is 25.
* *Items Per Page* \- Used to define how many items to display per page in the "Reports" list. The system remembers your settings. Unless you change this setting, you see 10 items per page. If you want to see more/less items per page, you can change the number and press <Enter>. The maximum number of items per page is 25.
* *Page Number* \- Enter the page number and press *Enter* to jump to the entered page. The total number of existing pages displays in the pane.
* *Items Per Page* \- Define how many items to display per page in the _Reports_ list. Unless this number is changed, 10 items automatically display per page. To display more or fewer items per page, enter the number of items in this field and press *Enter*. The maximum number of items per page is 25.
* *Items Per Page* \- Define how many items to display per page in the _Reports_ list. Unless this number is changed, 10 items automatically display per page. To display more or fewer items per page, enter the number of items in this field and press *Enter*. The maximum number of items per page is 25.
h3. Details pane
This pane provides detailed information about the Report selected in the list. There are three (3) four tabs.
* *Summary*
* *Viewers*
* *Viewers*

h4. Summary Tab
The "Summary" tab _Summary_ tab provides the following blocks of information about the selected report.

h6. Report
* *State* \- Graphically indicates the Report status ("Enabled" or "Disabled"). If the icon is green, then the Report is enabled. The red icon is used for disabled Reports.
* *Name* \- Shows Displays the unique name of the Report.
* *Subject* \- Displays the Subject specified in the Report properties.
* *Owner* \- Shows Displays the Report owner.
h6. Frequency
* *Frequency Type -* Shows recurrence selected for running the Report (On Demand, Minutely, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly).
* *Last Run Time* \- Displays date and time when the Report was generated last time. generated.
* *Next Run Time* \- Displays date and time when the Report will be generated next time.

h4. Recipients Tab
Shows the list of recipients to which the generated Report will be sent to.

{excerpt:hidden=true}Instructions on how to access and use the Reporting window in Server Backup Manager.{excerpt}