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{code}chmod 755 java keytool{code}
6. Use the {{wget}} command to download the ImportKey utility:
6. Use the {{wget}} command to download the ImportKey utility:
{code}wget http://community.igniterealtime.org/servlet/JiveServlet/download/196707-4718/importkey.zip{code} http://repo.r1soft.com/contrib/ImportKey.class{code}
7. Unzip ImportKey.zip.
{code} unzip importkey.zip{code}
{code} unzip importkey.zip{code}
8. Run 7. Run the following command. It will launch the ImportKey utility and create the keystore file (default name is *keystore.ImportKey*) in your home directory (root). The private key and the certificate will be placed there.
{code}./java ImportKey /root/wildcard.r1soft.com.key.der /root/wildcard.r1soft.com.crt.der cdp{code}
{info:title=Note}The keystore's password and the key's passwords must be set to *password*.
{info:title=Note}The keystore's password and the key's passwords must be set to *password*.
98. The following command will allow you to set the password for your keystore file. The default password is *importkey*. Enter it when prompted and then type the new password, which must be set to "*password*".
{code}./keytool -storepasswd -keystore /root/keystore.ImportKey{code}
10. 9. This command will allow you to set the password for the key file in the keystore. The default password is *importkey*. Enter it when prompted and then type the new password, which must be set to "*password*".
{code}./keytool -keypasswd -alias cdp -keystore /root/keystore.ImportKey{code}
110. Rename the *keystore.ImportKey* file (default name) into *keystore*.
{code}mv /root/keystore.ImportKey /root/keystore{code}
121. Run the following command to download the trusted certificate from the Certification Authority (CA). In our example, we connect to *Go Daddy*.
{code}wget -no-check-certificate -O /root/sf_issuing.crt https://certificates.godaddy.com/repository/sf_issuing.crt {code}
132. Import the received trusted certificate into your *keystore* file.
{code}./keytool -import -alias intermed -file /root/sf_issuing.crt -keystore /root/keystore -trustcacerts {code}
143. You may have another keystore in your R1Soft folder. To make a backup copy of it, you should rename it (for example, to "*keystore.old*" as shown in the following example).
{code}mv /usr/sbin/r1soft/conf/keystore /usr/sbin/r1soft/conf/keystore.old{code}
154. Copy the new keystore file to your *R1Soft* folder.
{code}cp /root/keystore /usr/sbin/r1soft/conf/keystore {code}
165. Restart Backup Manager.
{code}/etc/init.d/cdp-server restart{code}