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h5. Output:
* allow TCP packets *from* Server Backup port range 1024-65535 *to* activation.r1soft.com port 443 {info:title=Note}
* Online activation requires the computer with Backup Manager installed to connect directly to [https://activation.r1soft.com:443]. Read more in [ServerBackup:Activate Server Backup Manager].{info}

* allow TCP packets *from* the Backup Manager port 80 *to* any port range 1024-65535
* allow TCP packets *from* the Backup Manager port 443 *to* any port range 1024-65535 {info:title=Notes}
* To access your Backup Manager's web interface, you will need to allow network traffic to the Backup Managers IP address, TCP port 80 for HTTP traffic, and TCP port 443 for HTTPS traffic.
* HTTP and HTTPS ports are configurable. "80" and "443" are the default values. If you change the ports, do not forget to change your firewall configuration to reflect the changes.{info}
* HTTP and HTTPS ports are configurable. "80" and "443" are the default values. If you change the ports, do not forget to change your firewall configuration to reflect the changes.{info}

* allow TCP packets *from* the Backup Manager port 9080 *to* any port range 1024-65535
* allow TCP packets *from* the Backup Manager port 9443 *to* any port range 1024-65535 {info:title=Notes}
* To access the API server, you will need to allow network traffic to the Backup Managers IP address, TCP port 9080 for HTTP traffic, and TCP port 9443 for HTTPS traffic.
* HTTP and HTTPS ports are configurable. "9080" and "9443" are the default values. If you change the ports, do not forget to change your firewall configuration to reflect the changes. Read more in [Configuring API [ServerBackupManager:API Server Options].{info}

h5. Output:
* allow TCP packets *from* the Backup Manager port range 1024-65535 *to* any port 1167 {info:title=Notes}
* You will need to allow your Backup Manager to open connections to each one of your Backup Agents on TCP port 1167.
* The Backup Agent port is configurable. "1167" is the default value. If you change the ports, do not forget to change your firewall configuration to reflect the changes. Read more in [ServerBackup:Configure Backup Agent port].{info}
* The Backup Agent port is configurable. "1167" is the default value. If you change the ports, do not forget to change your firewall configuration to reflect the changes. Read more in [ServerBackup:Configure Backup Agent port].{info}

* You will need to allow your Data Center Console to open connections to each one of your Backup Managers to the Data Center Console IP address, TCP port 8080 for HTTP traffic, and TCP port 7443 for HTTPS traffic.
* The Data Center Console ports are configurable. "8080" and "7443" are the default value. If you change the ports, do not forget to change your firewall configuration to reflect the changes.
* The Data Center Console ports are configurable. "8080" and "7443" are the default value. If you change the ports, do not forget to change your firewall configuration to reflect the changes.
Read more in [Configuring [ServerBackupManager:Configure Data Center Console].{info}

Customers with both Backup Manager _and_ Backup Agent can use {{localhost}} for their database instance hostname. It means, MySQL instance always should be localhost.
The Backup Manager will not connect directly to a database and instead *connect to MySQL through the Backup Agent connection*. {excerpt:hidden=true}Information about configuring network ports in a network or host-based firewall to use Server Backup Manager. {excerpt}