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Type the removal command and press <Enter>.
{code}rpm -e serverbackup-enterprise-agent serverbackup-agent serverbackup-async-agent-2-6 serverbackup-setup r1soft-getmodule{code}

{code}yum remove serverbackup-*{code}
{code}yum remove serverbackup-* r1soft-*{code}

Type the removal command and press <Enter>.
{code}apt-get remove serverbackup-enterprise-agent serverbackup-agent serverbackup-async-agent-2-6 serverbackup-setup r1soft-getmodule{code}
Enter "Y" and press <Enter> to confirm the uninstallation.

{info:title=Note}None of the above commands remove the {{/usr/sbin/r1soft/conf}} directory. It remains in the system for future use. If necessary, you can delete it manually as shown in the following screenshot, using the "{{rm \-rf}}" command.
This step is not necessary if the agent is being downgraded.