This article expands information needed to use the Task History SOAP API. Below you can find the valid values for
- Log Levels
- Log Message Source
- Task States
- Task Types
Manipulating Task Log Messages
The com.r1soft.backup.server.api.taskhistory.LogMessage class contains methods and properties for manipulating a Task Log Message. Some of the methods are:
- getMessageSource () - Returns the Source of the Log Message.
- setMessageSource (LogMessageSource messageSource) - Sets the Source of the Log Message. Log Message Sources can be as follows:
- SERVER - Indicates a message that originated on the CDP server.
- AGENT - Indicates a message that originated on the CDP agent.
- getMessageLevel () - Returns the Log Level of the Message.
- setMessageLevel (LogLevel messageLevel) - Sets the Log Level of the Message. Log Levels can be as follows:
- INFO - Indicates a message that is informational in nature.
- WARNING - Indicates a message that warns about an issue.
- SEVERE - Indicates a message that describes an error condition.
See also Viewing Log Messages.
Manipulating Task History
The com.r1soft.backup.server.api.taskhistory.TaskHistoryService class contains methods for manipulating Task History. Some of the methods are:
- getTaskExecutionContextIDsByLogLevels (@WebParam(name="logLevels") List< LogLevel > logLevels) throws AccessControlFault, OperationFailedFault - Gets a List(UUID) of Task Execution Context IDs filtered by Task State. Task States can be as follows:
- FINISHED - Indicates that a task has completed successfully.
- RUNNING - Indicates that a task is currently running.
- QUEUED - Indicates that a task is queued, waiting to be run.
- CANCELLED - Indicates that a task was cancelled.
- ERROR - Indicates that the task has completed with errors.
- DUPLICATE - Indicates that the task was a duplicate of a running task.
- getTaskExecutionContextIDsByTaskType ( @WebParam(name="taskTypes") List< TaskType >taskTypes ) throws AccessControlFault, OperationFailedFault - Gets a List(UUID) of Task Execution Context IDs filtered by Task Type. Task Types can be as follows:
- DATA_PROTECTION_POLICY - Indicates the task was a Data Protection Policy Task.
- FILE_RESTORE_TASK - Indicates the task was a File Restore Task.
- MERGE_RECOVERY_POINTS - Indicates the task was a Merge Recovery Points Task.
- VACUUM - Indicates the task was a Vacuum Task.
- DATABASE_RESTORE - Indicates the task was a Database Restore Task.
- BARE_METAL_RESTORE - Indicates the task was a Bare Metal Restore Task.
- EMAIL_REPORTING - Indicates the task was an Email Reporting Task.
- ARCHIVE - Indicates the task was an Archive Task.
- DELETE_ARCHIVE_POINTS - Indicates the task was a Delete Archive Points Task.
- STREAM_CONTROL_PANEL_USERS_ARCHIVE- Indicates the task was a Stream Control Panel Users Task.
- TASK_HISTORY_CLEAN_UP - Indicates the task was a Task History Clean-up Task.
See also Accessing Task History. See more information about Task History in Task History.