Label: policies

Content with label policies in CDP (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels: enterprise_edition, customize, advanced_edition, archiving, delete, access, edit, standard_edition, run, create, disable

Page: Accessing Policies
Follow the instructions below to access the "Policies" window via the CDP Interface. \\ Click on "Policy" in the Main Menu to open the "Policies" window. Standard Edition Enterprise Edition Advanced Edition !polst.png! !mainmenuent.png! !mainmenupola.png! You can access the "Policies" window ...
Other labels: standard_edition, enterprise_edition, advanced_edition, access
Page: Creating Policies
Follow the instructions below to add a Data Protection Policy Policies in CDP. 1. Click on "Policy" in the Main Menu to open the "Policies" screen. Standard Edition Enterprise Edition Advanced Edition !polst.png! !mainmenuent.png! !mainmenupola.png! 2. In the Policy menu, click ...
Other labels: enterprise_edition, standard_edition, advanced_edition, create
Page: Creating Policies in Data Center Console
Follow the instructions below to add a Data Protection Policy Policies in Data Center Console. 1. Click on "Policy" in the Main Menu to open the "Policies" screen. !mainmenuent.png! 2. In the "Policy" menu, click on "Create New Policy." !createnewpolicya.png! 3. The "Create ...
Other labels: enterprise_edition, standard_edition, advanced_edition, create
Page: Customizing the Policies List
following actions are available to customize the view of the "Policies" list: Hide/Show column Manage the number of items per page Sort the items in the list Filter the list You can use these functions to search ("bubble up") for the necessary items in the list ...
Other labels: standard_edition, enterprise_edition, advanced_edition, customize
Page: Deleting Policies
Deleting a Data Protection Policy will permanently remove the Policy and all its historical task information. You cannot undo this operation once performed. Follow the instructions below to delete a Data Protection Policy in CDP. 1. Click on "Policy" in the Main ...
Other labels: standard_edition, enterprise_edition, advanced_edition, delete
Page: Disabling Policies
disabled Policy will not execute at the scheduled time. However, the Policy remains in the list and can be enabled again for execution. You can disable the Policy in the "Edit Policy" window. See Editing Policies. Follow the instructions below to disable one or several Policies ...
Other labels: standard_edition, enterprise_edition, advanced_edition, disable
Page: Editing Policies
You can see the date and time when a Policy was last edited in the "Last Edited On" column in the Policies list. Follow the instructions below to edit a Policy in CDP. 1. Click on "Policy" in the Main Menu to access the "Policies" page. Standard Edition ...
Other labels: standard_edition, enterprise_edition, advanced_edition, edit
Page: Editing Policies in Data Center Console
You can see the date and time when a Policy was last edited in the "Last Edited On" column in the "Policies" list. Follow the instructions below to edit a Policy in the Data Center Console. 1. Click on "Policy" in the Main Menu to access the "Policies" page ...
Other labels: standard_edition, enterprise_edition, advanced_edition, edit
Page: Running Archiving Policies
Archiving Policy can be run automatically according to the schedule or manually. Follow the instructions below to start an Archiving Policy manually. 1. Click on "Policy" in the Main Menu to open ...
Other labels: enterprise_edition, run, archiving
Page: Running Policies
You can start a Policy manually regardless of the schedule. Policies have the "On Demand" option instead of the schedule. Such Policies do not start automatically. Follow the instructions below to run a Data Protection Policy in CDP. 1. Click on "Policy" in the Main Menu ...
Other labels: standard_edition, enterprise_edition, advanced_edition, run